Source code for ampform.dynamics.decorator

"""Tools for defining lineshapes with `sympy`."""

import inspect
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Type

import sympy as sp
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter

[docs]class UnevaluatedExpression(sp.Expr): """Base class for classes that expressions with an ``evaluate()`` method. Derive from this class when decorating a class with `implement_expr` or `implement_doit_method`. It is important to derive from `UnevaluatedExpression`, because an :code:`evaluate()` method has to be implemented. """ @abstractmethod def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr: pass @abstractmethod def _latex(self, printer: LatexPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: """Provide a mathematical Latex representation for notebooks.""" args = tuple(map(printer._print, self.args)) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{args}"
[docs]def implement_expr( n_args: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[UnevaluatedExpression]], Type[UnevaluatedExpression]]: """Decorator for classes that derive from `UnevaluatedExpression`. Implement a `~object.__new__` and `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). """ def decorator( decorated_class: Type[UnevaluatedExpression], ) -> Type[UnevaluatedExpression]: decorated_class = implement_new_method(n_args)(decorated_class) decorated_class = implement_doit_method()(decorated_class) return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def implement_new_method( n_args: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[UnevaluatedExpression]], Type[UnevaluatedExpression]]: """Implement ``__new__()`` method for an `UnevaluatedExpression` class. Implement a `~object.__new__` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). """ def decorator( decorated_class: Type[UnevaluatedExpression], ) -> Type[UnevaluatedExpression]: def new_method( cls: Type, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints: Any, ) -> bool: if len(args) != n_args: raise ValueError( f"{n_args} parameters expected, got {len(args)}" ) args = sp.sympify(args) evaluate = hints.get("evaluate", False) if evaluate: return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args).evaluate() # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-member return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args) decorated_class.__new__ = new_method # type: ignore return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def implement_doit_method() -> Callable[ [Type[UnevaluatedExpression]], Type[UnevaluatedExpression] ]: """Implement ``doit()`` method for an `UnevaluatedExpression` class. Implement a `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). """ def decorator( decorated_class: Type[UnevaluatedExpression], ) -> Type[UnevaluatedExpression]: def doit_method(self: Any, **hints: Any) -> sp.Expr: return type(self)(*self.args, **hints, evaluate=True) decorated_class.doit = doit_method return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def verify_signature(builder: Callable, protocol: Type[Callable]) -> None: """Check signature of a builder function dynamically. Dynamically check whether a builder has the same signature as that of the given `~typing.Protocol` (a `~typing.Callable`). This function is needed because `typing.runtime_checkable` only checks members and methods, not the signature of those methods. """ expected_signature = inspect.signature(protocol.__call__) signature = inspect.signature(builder) if signature.return_annotation != expected_signature.return_annotation: raise ValueError( f'Builder "{builder.__name__}" has return type {expected_signature.return_annotation};' f" expected {signature.return_annotation}" ) expected_parameters = OrderedDict(expected_signature.parameters.items()) del expected_parameters["self"] assert signature.return_annotation == expected_signature.return_annotation if signature.parameters != expected_parameters: raise ValueError( f'Builder "{builder.__name__}" has parameters\n' f" {list(signature.parameters.values())}\n" "This should be\n" f" {list(expected_parameters.values())}" )