Source code for ampform.dynamics.lineshape

# cspell:ignore Asner Nakamura
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access,unused-argument
"""Lineshape functions that describe the dynamics.

.. seealso:: :doc:`/usage/dynamics/lineshapes`

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Type

import sympy as sp
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter

[docs]class UnevaluatedExpression(sp.Expr):
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr: pass
@abstractmethod def _latex(self, printer: LatexPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: """Provide a mathematical Latex representation for notebooks.""" args = tuple(map(printer._print, self.args)) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{args}"
[docs]def implement_expr( n_args: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[UnevaluatedExpression]], sp.Expr]: """Decorator for classes that derive from `UnevaluatedExpression`. Implement a `~object.__new__` and `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). It is important to derive from `~UnevaluatedExpression.evaluate` method has to be implemented """ def decorator(decorated_class: Type[UnevaluatedExpression]) -> sp.Expr: def new_method( cls: Type, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints: Any, ) -> bool: if len(args) != n_args: raise ValueError( f"{n_args} parameters expected, got {len(args)}" ) args = sp.sympify(args) evaluate = hints.get("evaluate", False) if evaluate: return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args).evaluate() # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-member return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args) def doit_method(self: Any, **hints: Any) -> sp.Expr: return type(self)(*self.args, **hints, evaluate=True) decorated_class.__new__ = new_method # type: ignore decorated_class.doit = doit_method return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]@implement_expr(n_args=3) class BlattWeisskopf(UnevaluatedExpression): r"""Blatt-Weisskopf function :math:`B_L`, up to :math:`L \leq 4`. Args: q: Break-up momentum. Can be computed with `breakup_momentum`. d: impact parameter :math:`d`, also called meson radius. Usually of the order 1 fm. angular_momentum: Angular momentum :math:`L` of the decaying particle. .. glue:math:: BlattWeisskopf :label: BlattWeisskopf Each of these cases has been taken from :cite:`chungPartialWaveAnalysis1995`, p. 415. For a good overview of where to use these Blatt-Weisskopf functions, see :cite:`asnerDalitzPlotAnalysis2006`. See also :ref:`usage/dynamics/lineshapes:Form factor`. """ @property def q(self) -> sp.Symbol: """Break-up momentum.""" return self.args[0] @property def d(self) -> sp.Symbol: """Impact parameter, also called meson radius.""" return self.args[1] @property def angular_momentum(self) -> sp.Symbol: return self.args[2]
[docs] def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr: angular_momentum = self.angular_momentum z = (self.q * self.d) ** 2 return sp.sqrt( sp.Piecewise( ( 1, sp.Eq(angular_momentum, 0), ), ( 2 * z / (z + 1), sp.Eq(angular_momentum, 1), ), ( 13 * z ** 2 / ((z - 3) * (z - 3) + 9 * z), sp.Eq(angular_momentum, 2), ), ( ( 277 * z ** 3 / ( z * (z - 15) * (z - 15) + 9 * (2 * z - 5) * (2 * z - 5) ) ), sp.Eq(angular_momentum, 3), ), ( ( 12746 * z ** 4 / ( (z ** 2 - 45 * z + 105) * (z ** 2 - 45 * z + 105) + 25 * z * (2 * z - 21) * (2 * z - 21) ) ), sp.Eq(angular_momentum, 4), ), ) )
def _latex(self, printer: LatexPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: l, q = tuple(map(printer._print, (self.angular_momentum, self.q))) return fR"B_{l}\left({q}\right)"
[docs]def relativistic_breit_wigner( mass: sp.Symbol, mass0: sp.Symbol, gamma0: sp.Symbol ) -> sp.Expr: """Relativistic Breit-Wigner lineshape. .. glue:math:: relativistic_breit_wigner :label: relativistic_breit_wigner See :ref:`usage/dynamics/lineshapes:_Without_ form factor` and :cite:`asnerDalitzPlotAnalysis2006`. """ return gamma0 * mass0 / (mass0 ** 2 - mass ** 2 - gamma0 * mass0 * sp.I)
[docs]def relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments mass: sp.Symbol, mass0: sp.Symbol, gamma0: sp.Symbol, m_a: sp.Symbol, m_b: sp.Symbol, angular_momentum: sp.Symbol, meson_radius: sp.Symbol, ) -> sp.Expr: """Relativistic Breit-Wigner with `.BlattWeisskopf` factor. For :math:`L=0`, this lineshape has the following form: .. glue:math:: relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff :label: relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff See :ref:`usage/dynamics/lineshapes:_With_ form factor` and :cite:`asnerDalitzPlotAnalysis2006`. """ q = breakup_momentum(mass, m_a, m_b) q0 = breakup_momentum(mass0, m_a, m_b) ff = BlattWeisskopf(q, meson_radius, angular_momentum) ff0 = BlattWeisskopf(q0, meson_radius, angular_momentum) mass_dependent_width = gamma0 * (mass0 / mass) * (ff ** 2 / ff0 ** 2) mass_dependent_width = mass_dependent_width * (q / q0) return (mass0 * gamma0 * ff) / ( mass0 ** 2 - mass ** 2 - mass_dependent_width * mass0 * sp.I )
[docs]def breakup_momentum( m_r: sp.Symbol, m_a: sp.Symbol, m_b: sp.Symbol ) -> sp.Expr: return sp.sqrt( (m_r ** 2 - (m_a + m_b) ** 2) * (m_r ** 2 - (m_a - m_b) ** 2) / (4 * m_r ** 2) )