Source code for

"""Input-output functions for `ampform` and `sympy` objects.

.. tip:: This function are registered with :func:`functools.singledispatch`
    and can be extended as follows:

    >>> from import aslatex
    >>> @aslatex.register(int)
    ... def _(obj: int) -> str:
    ...     return "my custom rendering"
    >>> aslatex(1)
    'my custom rendering'
    >>> aslatex(3.4 - 2j)
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import abc
from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Iterable, Mapping

import sympy as sp

[docs]@singledispatch def aslatex(obj) -> str: """Render objects as a LaTeX `str`. The resulting `str` can for instance be given to `IPython.display.Math`. """ return str(obj)
@aslatex.register(complex) def _(obj: complex) -> str: real = __downcast(obj.real) imag = __downcast(obj.imag) plus = "+" if imag >= 0 else "" return f"{real}{plus}{imag}i" def __downcast(obj: float) -> float | int: if obj.is_integer(): return int(obj) return obj @aslatex.register(sp.Basic) def _(obj: sp.Basic) -> str: return sp.latex(obj) @aslatex.register(abc.Mapping) def _(obj: Mapping) -> str: if len(obj) == 0: raise ValueError("Need at least one dictionary item") latex = R"\begin{array}{rcl}" + "\n" for lhs, rhs in obj.items(): latex += Rf" {aslatex(lhs)} &=& {aslatex(rhs)} \\" + "\n" latex += R"\end{array}" return latex @aslatex.register(abc.Iterable) def _(obj: Iterable) -> str: obj = list(obj) if len(obj) == 0: raise ValueError("Need at least one item to render as LaTeX") latex = R"\begin{array}{c}" + "\n" for item in map(aslatex, obj): latex += Rf" {item} \\" + "\n" latex += R"\end{array}" return latex