Source code for ampform.dynamics.kmatrix

r"""Experimental, symbol :math:`\boldsymbol{K}`-matrix implementations.

.. seealso:: :doc:`/usage/dynamics/k-matrix`.

This module is an implementation of :doc:`compwa-org:report/005`,
:doc:`compwa-org:report/009`, and :doc:`compwa-org:report/010`. It works with
classes to keep the code organized and to enable caching of the matrix
multiplications, but this might change once these dynamics are implemented into
the amplitude builder.
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import sympy as sp

from ampform.dynamics import (
from ampform.sympy import create_symbol_matrix

[docs]class TMatrix(ABC):
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def formulate( cls, n_channels, n_poles, parametrize: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: """Formulate :math:`K`-matrix with its own parametrization."""
[docs]class RelativisticKMatrix(TMatrix): @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _create_matrices( n_channels, return_t_hat: bool = False ) -> tuple[sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix]: # pylint: disable=no-member rho = _create_rho_matrix(n_channels) sqrt_rho: sp.MutableDenseMatrix = sp.sqrt(rho).doit() sqrt_rho_conj = sp.conjugate(sqrt_rho) k_matrix = create_symbol_matrix("K", n_channels, n_channels) t_hat = k_matrix * (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * rho * k_matrix).inv() if return_t_hat: return t_hat, k_matrix t_matrix = sqrt_rho_conj * t_hat * sqrt_rho return t_matrix, k_matrix
[docs] @classmethod def formulate( cls, n_channels, n_poles, parametrize: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: r"""Implementation of :eq:`T-hat-in-terms-of-K-hat`. Args: n_channels: Number of coupled channels. n_poles: Number of poles. parametrize: Set to `False` if don't want to parametrize and only get symbols for the matrix multiplication of :math:`\boldsymbol{K}` and :math:`\boldsymbol{\rho}`. return_t_hat: Set to `True` if you want to get the Lorentz-invariant :math:`\boldsymbol{\hat{T}}`-matrix instead of the :math:`\boldsymbol{T}`-matrix from Eq. :eq:`K-hat-and-T-hat`. """ return_t_hat: bool = kwargs.pop("return_t_hat", False) t_matrix, k_matrix = cls._create_matrices(n_channels, return_t_hat) if not parametrize: return t_matrix phsp_factor: PhaseSpaceFactorProtocol = kwargs.get( "phsp_factor", PhaseSpaceFactor ) s = sp.Symbol("s", nonnegative=True) m_a = sp.IndexedBase("m_a", nonnegative=True) m_b = sp.IndexedBase("m_b", nonnegative=True) return t_matrix.xreplace( { k_matrix[i, j]: cls.parametrization( i=i, j=j, s=s, pole_position=sp.IndexedBase("m", nonnegative=True), pole_width=sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", nonnegative=True), m_a=m_a, m_b=m_b, residue_constant=sp.IndexedBase("gamma", nonnegative=True), n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=sp.Symbol("R", integer=True, positive=True), angular_momentum=kwargs.get("angular_momentum", 0), meson_radius=kwargs.get("meson_radius", 1), phsp_factor=phsp_factor, ) for i in range(n_channels) for j in range(n_channels) } ).xreplace( { sp.Symbol(f"rho{i}"): phsp_factor(s, m_a[i], m_b[i]) for i in range(n_channels) } )
[docs] @staticmethod def parametrization( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals i, j, s, pole_position: sp.IndexedBase, pole_width: sp.IndexedBase, m_a: sp.IndexedBase, m_b: sp.IndexedBase, residue_constant: sp.IndexedBase, n_poles, pole_id, angular_momentum=0, meson_radius=1, phsp_factor: PhaseSpaceFactorProtocol | None = None, ) -> sp.Expr: def residue_function(pole_id, i) -> sp.Expr: return residue_constant[pole_id, i] * sp.sqrt( pole_position[pole_id] * EnergyDependentWidth( s=s, mass0=pole_position[pole_id], gamma0=pole_width[pole_id, i], m_a=m_a[i], m_b=m_b[i], angular_momentum=angular_momentum, meson_radius=meson_radius, phsp_factor=phsp_factor, ) ) g_i = residue_function(pole_id, i) g_j = residue_function(pole_id, j) parametrization = (g_i * g_j) / (pole_position[pole_id] ** 2 - s) return sp.Sum(parametrization, (pole_id, 1, n_poles))
[docs]class NonRelativisticKMatrix(TMatrix): @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _create_matrices( n_channels, ) -> tuple[sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix]: k_matrix = create_symbol_matrix("K", n_channels, n_channels) t_matrix = k_matrix * (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * k_matrix).inv() return t_matrix, k_matrix
[docs] @classmethod def formulate( cls, n_channels, n_poles, parametrize: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: t_matrix, k_matrix = cls._create_matrices(n_channels) if not parametrize: return t_matrix return t_matrix.xreplace( { k_matrix[i, j]: cls.parametrization( i=i, j=j, s=sp.Symbol("s", nonnegative=True), pole_position=sp.IndexedBase("m", nonnegative=True), pole_width=sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", nonnegative=True), residue_constant=sp.IndexedBase("gamma", nonnegative=True), n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=sp.Symbol("R", integer=True, positive=True), ) for i in range(n_channels) for j in range(n_channels) } )
[docs] @staticmethod def parametrization( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments i, j, s, pole_position: sp.IndexedBase, pole_width: sp.IndexedBase, residue_constant: sp.IndexedBase, n_poles, pole_id, ) -> sp.Expr: def residue_function(pole_id, i) -> sp.Expr: return residue_constant[pole_id, i] * sp.sqrt( pole_position[pole_id] * pole_width[pole_id, i] ) g_i = residue_function(pole_id, i) g_j = residue_function(pole_id, j) parametrization = (g_i * g_j) / (pole_position[pole_id] ** 2 - s) return sp.Sum(parametrization, (pole_id, 1, n_poles))
[docs]class NonRelativisticPVector(TMatrix): @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _create_matrices( n_channels, ) -> tuple[ sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix ]: k_matrix = create_symbol_matrix("K", m=n_channels, n=n_channels) p_vector = create_symbol_matrix("P", m=n_channels, n=1) f_vector = (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * k_matrix).inv() * p_vector return f_vector, k_matrix, p_vector
[docs] @classmethod def formulate( cls, n_channels, n_poles, parametrize: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: f_vector, k_matrix, p_vector = cls._create_matrices(n_channels) if not parametrize: return f_vector s = sp.Symbol("s", nonnegative=True) pole_position = sp.IndexedBase("m", nonnegative=True) pole_width = sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", nonnegative=True) residue_constant = sp.IndexedBase("gamma", nonnegative=True) pole_id = sp.Symbol("R", integer=True, positive=True) return f_vector.xreplace( { k_matrix[i, j]: NonRelativisticKMatrix.parametrization( i=i, j=j, s=s, pole_position=pole_position, pole_width=pole_width, residue_constant=residue_constant, n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=pole_id, ) for i in range(n_channels) for j in range(n_channels) } ).xreplace( { p_vector[i]: cls.parametrization( i=i, s=sp.Symbol("s", nonnegative=True), pole_position=pole_position, pole_width=pole_width, residue_constant=residue_constant, beta_constant=sp.IndexedBase("beta", nonnegative=True), n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=pole_id, ) for i in range(n_channels) } )
[docs] @staticmethod def parametrization( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments i, s, pole_position: sp.IndexedBase, pole_width: sp.IndexedBase, residue_constant: sp.IndexedBase, beta_constant: sp.IndexedBase, n_poles, pole_id, ) -> sp.Expr: beta = beta_constant[pole_id] gamma = residue_constant[pole_id, i] mass = pole_position[pole_id] width = pole_width[pole_id, i] parametrization = beta * gamma * mass * width / (mass**2 - s) return sp.Sum(parametrization, (pole_id, 1, n_poles))
[docs]class RelativisticPVector(TMatrix): @staticmethod @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _create_matrices( n_channels, return_f_hat: bool = False ) -> tuple[ sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix, sp.MutableDenseMatrix ]: # pylint: disable=no-member k_matrix = create_symbol_matrix("K", m=n_channels, n=n_channels) rho = _create_rho_matrix(n_channels) sqrt_rho: sp.MutableDenseMatrix = sp.sqrt(rho).doit() sqrt_rho_conj: sp.MutableDenseMatrix = sp.conjugate(sqrt_rho) k_matrix = create_symbol_matrix("K", n_channels, n_channels) k_hat = sqrt_rho_conj.inv() * k_matrix * sqrt_rho.inv() p_vector = create_symbol_matrix("P", m=n_channels, n=1) f_hat = (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * k_hat * rho).inv() * p_vector if return_f_hat: return f_hat, k_matrix, p_vector f_vector = sqrt_rho * f_hat return f_vector, k_matrix, p_vector
[docs] @classmethod def formulate( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals cls, n_channels, n_poles, parametrize: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: r"""Implementation of :eq:`F-in-terms-of-P`. Args: n_channels: Number of coupled channels. n_poles: Number of poles. parametrize: Set to `False` if don't want to parametrize and only get symbols for the matrix multiplication of :math:`\boldsymbol{K}` and :math:`\boldsymbol{\rho}`. return_f_hat: Set to `True` if you want to get the Lorentz-invariant :math:`\hat{F}`-vector instead of the :math:`T`-vector from Eq. :eq:`invariant-vectors`. """ return_f_hat: bool = kwargs.pop("return_f_hat", False) f_vector, k_matrix, p_vector = cls._create_matrices( n_channels, return_f_hat ) if not parametrize: return f_vector phsp_factor: PhaseSpaceFactorProtocol = kwargs.get( "phsp_factor", PhaseSpaceFactor ) s = sp.Symbol("s", nonnegative=True) pole_position = sp.IndexedBase("m", nonnegative=True) pole_width = sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", nonnegative=True) residue_constant = sp.IndexedBase("gamma", nonnegative=True) m_a = sp.IndexedBase("m_a", nonnegative=True) m_b = sp.IndexedBase("m_b", nonnegative=True) pole_id = sp.Symbol("R", integer=True, positive=True) angular_momentum = kwargs.get("angular_momentum", 0) meson_radius = kwargs.get("meson_radius", 1) return ( f_vector.xreplace( { k_matrix[i, j]: RelativisticKMatrix.parametrization( i=i, j=j, s=s, pole_position=pole_position, pole_width=pole_width, m_a=m_a, m_b=m_b, residue_constant=residue_constant, n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=pole_id, angular_momentum=angular_momentum, meson_radius=meson_radius, ) for i in range(n_channels) for j in range(n_channels) } ) .xreplace( { p_vector[i]: cls.parametrization( i=i, s=s, pole_position=pole_position, pole_width=pole_width, m_a=m_a, m_b=m_b, beta_constant=sp.IndexedBase("beta", nonnegative=True), residue_constant=residue_constant, n_poles=n_poles, pole_id=pole_id, angular_momentum=angular_momentum, meson_radius=meson_radius, ) for i in range(n_channels) } ) .xreplace( { sp.Symbol(f"rho{i}"): phsp_factor(s, m_a[i], m_b[i]) for i in range(n_channels) } ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def parametrization( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals i, s, pole_position: sp.IndexedBase, pole_width: sp.IndexedBase, m_a: sp.IndexedBase, m_b: sp.IndexedBase, beta_constant: sp.IndexedBase, residue_constant: sp.IndexedBase, n_poles, pole_id, angular_momentum=0, meson_radius=1, ) -> sp.Expr: beta = beta_constant[pole_id] gamma = residue_constant[pole_id, i] mass0 = pole_position[pole_id] width = pole_width[pole_id, i] form_factor = formulate_form_factor( s, m_a[i], m_b[i], angular_momentum, meson_radius ) return sp.Sum( beta * gamma * mass0 * width * form_factor / (mass0**2 - s), (pole_id, 1, n_poles), )
def _create_rho_matrix(n_channels) -> sp.MutableDenseMatrix: """Create a phase space matrix with :code:`n_channels`. >>> _create_rho_matrix(n_channels=2) Matrix([ [rho0, 0], [ 0, rho1]]) """ rho_matrix: sp.MutableDenseMatrix = sp.zeros(n_channels, n_channels) for i in range(n_channels): rho_matrix[i, i] = sp.Symbol(f"rho{i}") return rho_matrix