Source code for ampform.sympy

# cspell:ignore mhash
# pylint: disable=invalid-getnewargs-ex-returned
"""Tools that facilitate in building :mod:`sympy` expressions."""

import functools
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

import sympy as sp
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter
from sympy.printing.numpy import NumPyPrinter

[docs]class UnevaluatedExpression(sp.Expr): """Base class for expression classes with an :meth:`evaluate` method. Deriving from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` allows us to keep expression trees condense before unfolding them with their `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method. This allows us to: 1. condense the LaTeX representation of an expression tree by providing a custom :meth:`_latex` method. 2. overwrite its printer methods (see `NumPyPrintable` and e.g. :doc:`compwa-org:report/001`). The `UnevaluatedExpression` base class makes implementations of its derived classes more secure by enforcing the developer to provide implementations for these methods, so that SymPy mechanisms work correctly. Decorators like :func:`implement_expr` and :func:`implement_doit_method` provide convenient means to implement the missing methods. .. autolink-preface:: import sympy as sp from ampform.sympy import UnevaluatedExpression, create_expression .. automethod:: __new__ .. automethod:: evaluate .. automethod:: _latex """ # __slots__: Tuple[str] = ("_name",) _name: Optional[str] """Optional instance attribute that can be used in LaTeX representations."""
[docs] def __new__( # pylint: disable=unused-argument cls: Type["DecoratedClass"], *args: Any, name: Optional[str] = None, **hints: Any, ) -> "DecoratedClass": """Constructor for a class derived from `UnevaluatedExpression`. This :meth:`~object.__new__` method correctly sets the `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.args`, assumptions etc. Overwrite it in order to further specify its signature. The function :func:`create_expression` can be used in its implementation, like so: >>> class MyExpression(UnevaluatedExpression): ... def __new__( ... cls, x: sp.Symbol, y: sp.Symbol, n: int, **hints ... ) -> "MyExpression": ... return create_expression(cls, x, y, n, **hints) ... ... def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr: ... x, y, n = self.args ... return (x + y)**n ... >>> x, y = sp.symbols("x y") >>> expr = MyExpression(x, y, n=3) >>> expr MyExpression(x, y, 3) >>> expr.evaluate() (x + y)**3 """ # obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._args = args obj._assumptions = cls.default_assumptions obj._mhash = None obj._name = name return obj
def __getnewargs_ex__(self) -> Tuple[tuple, dict]: # Pickling support, see # args = tuple(self.args) kwargs = {"name": self._name} return args, kwargs
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr: """Evaluate and 'unfold' this `UnevaluatedExpression` by one level. >>> from ampform.dynamics import BreakupMomentumSquared >>> issubclass(BreakupMomentumSquared, UnevaluatedExpression) True >>> s, m1, m2 = sp.symbols("s m1 m2") >>> expr = BreakupMomentumSquared(s, m1, m2) >>> expr BreakupMomentumSquared(s, m1, m2) >>> expr.evaluate() (s - (m1 - m2)**2)*(s - (m1 + m2)**2)/(4*s) >>> expr.doit(deep=False) (s - (m1 - m2)**2)*(s - (m1 + m2)**2)/(4*s) .. note:: When decorating this class with :func:`implement_doit_method`, its :meth:`evaluate` method is equivalent to :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` with :code:`deep=False`. """
[docs] def _latex(self, printer: LatexPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: r"""Provide a mathematical Latex representation for pretty printing. >>> from ampform.dynamics import BreakupMomentumSquared >>> issubclass(BreakupMomentumSquared, UnevaluatedExpression) True >>> s, m1 = sp.symbols("s m1") >>> expr = BreakupMomentumSquared(s, m1, m1) >>> print(sp.latex(expr)) q^2\left(s\right) >>> print(sp.latex(expr.doit())) - m_{1}^{2} + \frac{s}{4} """ args = tuple(map(printer._print, self.args)) name = type(self).__name__ if self._name is not None: name = self._name return f"{name}{args}"
[docs]class NumPyPrintable(sp.Expr): r"""`~sympy.core.expr.Expr` class that can lambdify to NumPy code. This interface for classes that derive from `sympy.Expr <sympy.core.expr.Expr>` enforce the implementation of a :meth:`_numpycode` method in case the class does not correctly :func:`~sympy.utilities.lambdify.lambdify` to NumPy code. For more info on SymPy printers, see :doc:`sympy:modules/printing`. Several computational frameworks try to converge their interface to that of NumPy. See for instance `TensorFlow's NumPy API <>`_ and `jax.numpy <>`_. This fact is used in `TensorWaves <>`_ to :func:`~sympy.utilities.lambdify.lambdify` SymPy expressions to these different backends with the same lambdification code. .. note:: This interface differs from `UnevaluatedExpression` in that it **should not** implement an :meth:`.evaluate` (and therefore a :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit`) method. .. warning:: The implemented :meth:`_numpycode` method should countain as little SymPy computations as possible. Instead, it should get most information from its construction `~sympy.core.basic.Basic.args`, so that SymPy can use printer tricks like :func:`~sympy.simplify.cse_main.cse`, prior expanding with :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit`, and other simplifications that can make the generated code shorter. An example is the `.BoostZMatrix` class, which takes :math:`\beta` as input instead of the `.FourMomentumSymbol` from which :math:`\beta` is computed. .. automethod:: _numpycode """
[docs] @abstractmethod def _numpycode(self, printer: NumPyPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: """Lambdify this `NumPyPrintable` class to NumPy code."""
DecoratedClass = TypeVar("DecoratedClass", bound=UnevaluatedExpression) """`~typing.TypeVar` for decorators like :func:`make_commutative`."""
[docs]def implement_expr( n_args: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[DecoratedClass]], Type[DecoratedClass]]: """Decorator for classes that derive from `UnevaluatedExpression`. Implement a :meth:`~object.__new__` and :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). """ def decorator( decorated_class: Type[DecoratedClass], ) -> Type[DecoratedClass]: decorated_class = implement_new_method(n_args)(decorated_class) decorated_class = implement_doit_method(decorated_class) return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def implement_new_method( n_args: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[DecoratedClass]], Type[DecoratedClass]]: """Implement :meth:`UnevaluatedExpression.__new__` on a derived class. Implement a :meth:`~object.__new__` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). """ def decorator( decorated_class: Type[DecoratedClass], ) -> Type[DecoratedClass]: def new_method( # pylint: disable=unused-argument cls: Type, *args: sp.Symbol, evaluate: bool = False, **hints: Any, ) -> bool: if len(args) != n_args: raise ValueError( f"{n_args} parameters expected, got {len(args)}" ) args = sp.sympify(args) expr = UnevaluatedExpression.__new__(cls, *args) if evaluate: return expr.evaluate() return expr decorated_class.__new__ = new_method # type: ignore[assignment] return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def implement_doit_method( decorated_class: Type[DecoratedClass], ) -> Type[DecoratedClass]: """Implement ``doit()`` method for an `UnevaluatedExpression` class. Implement a :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method for a class that derives from `~sympy.core.expr.Expr` (via `UnevaluatedExpression`). A :meth:`~sympy.core.basic.Basic.doit` method is an extension of an :meth:`~.UnevaluatedExpression.evaluate` method in the sense that it can work recursively on deeper expression trees. """ @functools.wraps(decorated_class.doit) # type: ignore[attr-defined] def doit_method(self: UnevaluatedExpression, deep: bool = True) -> sp.Expr: expr = self.evaluate() if deep: return expr.doit() return expr decorated_class.doit = doit_method # type: ignore[attr-defined] return decorated_class
def _implement_latex_subscript( # pyright: reportUnusedFunction=false subscript: str, ) -> Callable[[Type[UnevaluatedExpression]], Type[UnevaluatedExpression]]: def decorator( decorated_class: Type[UnevaluatedExpression], ) -> Type[UnevaluatedExpression]: # pylint: disable=protected-access, unused-argument @functools.wraps(decorated_class.doit) def _latex(self: sp.Expr, printer: LatexPrinter, *args: Any) -> str: momentum = printer._print(self._momentum) if printer._needs_mul_brackets(self._momentum): momentum = Rf"\left({momentum}\right)" else: momentum = Rf"{{{momentum}}}" return f"{momentum}_{subscript}" decorated_class._latex = _latex # type: ignore[assignment] return decorated_class return decorator
[docs]def make_commutative( decorated_class: Type[DecoratedClass], ) -> Type[DecoratedClass]: """Set commutative and 'extended real' assumptions on expression class. .. seealso:: :doc:`sympy:guides/assumptions` """ decorated_class.is_commutative = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] decorated_class.is_extended_real = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return decorated_class
[docs]def create_expression( cls: Type[UnevaluatedExpression], *args: Any, evaluate: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> sp.Expr: """Helper function for implementing `UnevaluatedExpression.__new__`.""" args = sp.sympify(args) expr = UnevaluatedExpression.__new__(cls, *args, name=name, **kwargs) if evaluate: return expr.evaluate() return expr
[docs]def create_symbol_matrix(name: str, m: int, n: int) -> sp.Matrix: """Create a `~sympy.matrices.dense.Matrix` with symbols as elements. The `~sympy.matrices.expressions.MatrixSymbol` has some issues when one is interested in the elements of the matrix. This function instead creates a `~sympy.matrices.dense.Matrix` where the elements are `~sympy.tensor.indexed.Indexed` instances. To convert these `~sympy.tensor.indexed.Indexed` instances to a `~sympy.core.symbol.Symbol`, use :func:`symplot.substitute_indexed_symbols`. >>> create_symbol_matrix("A", m=2, n=3) Matrix([ [A[0, 0], A[0, 1], A[0, 2]], [A[1, 0], A[1, 1], A[1, 2]]]) """ symbol = sp.IndexedBase(name, shape=(m, n)) return sp.Matrix([[symbol[i, j] for j in range(n)] for i in range(m)])